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The Man Who Eats Hearts

If you’re ever on a lonely road, you better look out for the Blackheart Man!

The Blackheart Man in The Quest eBooks

The Blackheart Man is a cruel man who travels along lonely country roads in Caribbean countries in search of his victims, who are usually boys and girls. In scary stories told to Caribbean children by their parents, the Blackheart Man lures children into his black, creepy hearse-looking car by tempting them with sweets. If you were ever to make the foolish mistake of getting into his car, likely, you will never be seen again. The Blackheart Man will cut out your heart and eat it.

The Blackheart Man can appear in front or behind you at any time and there truly is no sure way to protect yourself from him. The only way to stay alive is to stay aware and out of his way. If you’re ever unlucky enough to get caught by him, your only chance of survival is to do everything in your power to escape or he’ll have your heart for dinner.

The Blackheart Man is renowned in Jamaica and Barbados, where he’s also called Heartman.


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