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Oct 16, 20201 min read
Sisimito: The Big Foot of Belize
The Sisimito is a tall and hairy male monster that can tear a human body apart with a simple snap of its hands.

Oct 15, 20201 min read
The Terrifying Devil Woman
La Diablesse, or the Devil Woman, travels at nights on dark, lonely roads in search of her victims - who are usually men.

Oct 15, 20201 min read
Papa Bois: The Father of the Forest
Meet Papa Bois! This short, muscular old man with small horns sticking out of his head and a beard made of leaves is the Father of the Woods

Oct 15, 20201 min read
Beware of the Scary Ole Higue!
The Ole Higue is a lonely, old woman who, at night, transforms into a ball of fire to search for her next victims.

Sep 20, 20201 min read
The Man Who Eats Hearts
The Blackheart Man is a cruel man who travels along lonely country roads in Caribbean countries in search of hearts to eat.

Sep 20, 20201 min read
Anansi: The Most Notorious Trickster of Caribbean Folklore
Casually referred to as 'spiderman' throughout the Caribbean, Anansi is known for being extremely crafty by deceitfully crafting ingenious,

Jul 30, 20202 min read
The Birth of The Quest: New-Age Adventure Stories for Children set in the Caribbean
The Quest is an adventure series that is set in the Caribbean, which follows five Caribbean children on an epic adventure.

Jul 30, 20201 min read
How the Rolling Calf Plagued Rural Jamaica with Terror
Renowned for its frightening growl and rattling chains, the Rolling Calf is said to roll around at nights dragging a large chain behind him.
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